Anew, cashew, crew, curfew, blew, brew, dew, drew, eschew, few, flew, grew, hew, Jew, mildew, new, pew, skew, slew, stew, sew, spew, threw, view, yew...
Blue, cue, clue, construe, dengue, denoue, due, glue, hue, imbue, ingenue, pursue, queue, rue, sue...
Here's a fue fewArgueBevueCogueEndueEnsueFiqueFugueGigueImbueIndueIssueOrguePiqueQueueRevueRogueRoqueSalueSegueSprueTenueTogueToqueTuqueUndueUsqueVagueValueVenueVogue
Words that start with the letters 'ew' are ewe and ewer.
The long vowel U has the "oo" or "ew"sound in US English, generally "ew" in the UK. Words with a silent E (oo) : clue, due, sue Words with a silent E (ew) : cue, hue, juice Words with a consonant E (oo): rude, lute, truce, Words with aconsonant E (ew): cube, cute, huge, abuse, use (the function) Words with the long U (oo): tutor, hula, lunar Words with the long U (ew) : pupil, mucilage
The four-letter English words ending with -ue are: ague, blue, clue, crue, flue, glue, grue, moue, plue, roue, slue, spue, true
analogue, tongue, plague
Here's a fue fewArgueBevueCogueEndueEnsueFiqueFugueGigueImbueIndueIssueOrguePiqueQueueRevueRogueRoqueSalueSegueSprueTenueTogueToqueTuqueUndueUsqueVagueValueVenueVogue
UE Lleida ended in 2011.
UE Vilajuïga ended in 2009.
Words that start with the letters 'ew' are ewe and ewer.
Oka no Ue no Himawari ended on 1993-06-27.
The long vowel U has the "oo" or "ew"sound in US English, generally "ew" in the UK. Words with a silent E (oo) : clue, due, sue Words with a silent E (ew) : cue, hue, juice Words with a consonant E (oo): rude, lute, truce, Words with aconsonant E (ew): cube, cute, huge, abuse, use (the function) Words with the long U (oo): tutor, hula, lunar Words with the long U (ew) : pupil, mucilage
The vowel sound is a long U, specifically the YOO sound, which is seen in the rhyming word centrifuge. Other rhymes are scrooge, luge, and rouge. Other OO words include O words (do), EW words (stew, newt), UE words (clue, sue), and OU words such as (ghoul, coup, troupe).
This is true of words borrowed from French, and words that are created using French roots. It is a convention in virtually all English words that the letter Q is followed by the letter U. However, as English borrows more and more words from languages like Arabic, there are likely to be more words in use that end simply in Q, like the name of the country Iraq. It becomes simply a matter of convention, and the adaptation of new words over time. English is particularly good at incorporating words from a great variety of languages.
fat, poo, EW, weird, gross :)(: