* wild * wide-legged * wash and wear * washable * whimsical * work wear, work attire * wrinkled * well made * well tailored * wearable * "with it" * "way out there" * worn out * western wear * weatherproof * weathered * woolen * workout wear, workout- friendly
Damp, dark, dead, deluxe, dense, devout, dim, drab, and dusty are describing words. They begin with the letter d.
Senior citizens are realistic. It begins with R.
Silly Smart Sweet Spunky Smooth Sassy (depends how it's used)
Yummy Mummy ;)
Words that Start with the Letter "U"umbrellaunderundergroundunderstandunicycleunimaginableunitedunlockunusualupdateuseusher
Words that begin with the letter m describing a girl:maddeningmagnificentmaliciousmarvelousmaterialisticmaturemeanmeekmercifulmercilessmessymeticulousmisguidedmodestmoodymopeymousymysterious
Powerful, phenomenal, Praiseworthy,
Some Filipino describing words that start with the letter "s" are "sariwa" (fresh), "subrang" (excessive), and "malasakit" (compassionate).
Some self-describing words that start with "k" are kind, knowledgeable, and keen.
independent indifferent imaginative indespicable inconsiderate incogneto indiscribable irrisistible
Damp, dark, dead, deluxe, dense, devout, dim, drab, and dusty are describing words. They begin with the letter d.
· slow · smart · sarcastic
Senior citizens are realistic. It begins with R.
fair honest brave legendary