No. In the official Scrabble dictionary there are lots of four-letter words containing two i's, but no three-letter words.
Some words with a double 'h' are:bathhousefishhookhitchhikerhighhandedroughhewnroughhouseshhwithhold
4th grade homework? We came up with build and guide and calling it done and dumb.
quiz, buissness
Some words with 'ui' pronounced like 'ou' in 'you' are: fruit, juice, cruise, and cuirass.
Some words with the letters "ui" and the long I sound are: fruit, suit, fluid, bruise, cruise, pursue, and recruit.
Here are some two-syllable words with "ui" in them: Guilt Fruit Built
words containing the "you": your youth young
I think it is grieve weigh and feint.
Words containing a hyphen (-)
quiche. suite is a similar sound
Some words containing the root socius include society, associate, social, and sociable.
Youichi Ui was born in 1972.