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Missive, missile

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Q: Words begin with mis that means send?
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Related questions

What root words means to send?

The root word that means "to send" is "miss" from the Latin word "mittere". It is commonly found in words such as "mission" or "dismiss".

What real words begin with the prefix 'mis'?


What words have the root phet?

it means basically mis nalgas

What words begin with the prefix of mis?

Way too many to list. Buy a dictionary and turn to the Ms, sluggard.

What word mean to send?

I. mis

What is the meaning of the prefix mis- and an English word that uses that prefix?

The prefix "mis-" means wrongly or incorrectly. An English word that uses this prefix is "mishap," which refers to an unfortunate accident or mistake.

What does the prefix mis mean as in the words misanthrope mistake and misogyny?

The prefix "mis-" typically means "bad" or "wrong." In the words misanthrope, mistake, and misogyny, it conveys a sense of negativity or error.

What are some words that begin with mis?

misfortune mistake mistrust mystery misconnect misbelief misheard misplaced misunderstood misunderstand mislaid

What is definition of greek root mis?

The Greek root "mis-" means "hate" or "wrong." It is commonly seen in English words such as "misunderstand" (to understand incorrectly) or "misbehave" (to behave badly).

What mis padres mean?

"mis padres" means my parents.

What does mis padres mean?

"mis padres" means my parents.

What is ESS in MIS?

ess in mis which means Management Information Systems,