RELATIVES is the word I can make.
Dreams is the word.
There is no single-word English anagram of aeeidmnrsttv - the longest word you can make from the letters is "avertiments".
'a' is an idefinite artice but we cannot make another word from it.
The word is moans.
Pharaoh is not a Hebrew word. It is an Egyptian word that means "great house"In Hebrew, the word is pronounced par-OH (פרעה)
The word pharaoh is a noun that means Egyptian ruler. Some synonyms for pharaoh are emperor, ruler, czar, monarch, king, and sovereign.
The pharaoh was mummified and put in his tomb.
I think the closest word to it would be monarch.
Pharaoh was a title, like our word "king."
Because the title of 'King' in Egypt was 'Pharaoh'.
wazz up my homey g pharaoh
Let's get a good spot to watch the pharaoh and his parade go by.
A ruler of ancient Egypt
great house
The word is pharaoh.