there are 4 letters in the word year.
for the first word: Beef
There are 4 vowels and 7 consonants in this word. So, 4/11 of the letters are vowels.
Love Actually
Yes, what is a word with four letters in it. Yes, "what" is a word with four letters in it.
There are total of 4 letters in this word.
Star Trek: Nemesis
There are 4 distinguishable letters in the word fish, so there is 4! or 24 different ways can you arrange the letters in the word fish.
there are 4 letters in the word year.
WORD= 4 letters YET= 3 letters ALTHOUGH= 8 letters THEN= 4 letters RARELY= 6 letters NEVER= 5 letters
WORD= 4 letters YET= 3 letters ALTHOUGH= 8 letters THEN= 4 letters RARELY= 6 letters NEVER= 5 letters
WORD= 4 letters YET= 3 letters ALTHOUGH= 8 letters THEN= 4 letters RARELY= 6 letters NEVER= 5 letters
WORD= 4 letters YET= 3 letters ALTHOUGH= 8 letters THEN= 4 letters RARELY= 6 letters NEVER= 5 letters
for the first word: Beef