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Usually just a 24 hour ban with an error

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Q: Will you get baned if you dc hack in Dragon Fable?
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How do you save your class in Dragon Fable?

you need to buy an armor closet for 1000 dc.

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You can buy it off Elysa in Sunbreeze cove, she offers both the 1 training point and 5 training pot (DC) versions.

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Go to Cysero's Store (Certian for about 25 DC) or Fiery Heart of Mt. Moordoor quest (Maybe)

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Xan's Armor is temporary only in one of the fire war quests. You can buy a Xan mask from Cysero's DC Shop of Savings, provided you have unlocked in the Mogloween trick or treating.

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or u cud email me dragon fable) i do all sorta stuff except very very very rare stuff DA DC stuff i usually do.. and exp 2.doom weapons(upgraded to light or darkness if ur DA) 3.quests hard 1s btw trust me this is not a scam in my free time out of my hacking team i like helpig ppl suggest to your friends

How do you get Dragon Fable Mighty 100k Scythe?

1.Buy it from Ash Dragonblade shop for 100000 gold 2. Buy it from Cysero shop for 400 DC. PS: look at the sanity (rarity) on the scythe from ash dragonblade shop, it's....IT'S....

How do you become a mage in Dragon Fable if you are a rogue?

Go to the black market moglin in between Reens health store and the old barber store, it'll cost 500 DC's until 27/02/2010, after that it will be 1000 DC's. (Note: high price to discourage players to change an originally choose-and-then-you're-stuck-with-it-forever choice!)

How do you make color custom evolved dragon lord class your main class in dragon fable?

you either have to pay for dragon coins to buy the armor closet (1000 DC) to save your gear or save up gold to buy the orb of saving (20,000 gold/over 7000 gold per saving) which allows you to save your current armor. (Current equips must be saved seperately in the Guardian Tower in Falconreach)

How do you save armor on Dragon Fable?

You have to get a house first. Then go to a house shop and pick up an armour closet (1,000 DC). Put it in your house and click on the dragon amulet ON THE CLOSET. There you can choose what armour that you want that you have unlocked. To save it to your character just hit save. Ps. You can get it from Dragesvard Pss. You need a dragon amulet Edit: You can also save it by buying an Orb of Saving (I can't remember the cost) and saving there for 7,000 (approx) gold.

Where do you got to get dragon lord helmet?

Get it at cysreos shop for 450 dc

What elemental cave do you get dragon coins?

It's a daily quest. First go to the interface then look at your bottom left. There's a 'DC' button. Click on it and it will teleport you to the area. Enter the cave and defeat the elemental. It's random all the time so make sure that you brought your proper gear and weapons of every element. Then after you defeat it, you get around 1000 gold and 3 dragon coins. This is daily and incredibly grindable and much more efficient than Ballyhoo.

How do you get doom knight on Dragon Fable?

The DoomKnight armour is to be realeased Septemeber 4th 2009 It will come as 4 different upgrades or 1 big upgrade (IF you have been a DA holder for 2 years or more) Its an amazing deal with 40,000 DC's basically being given away! ----><---- For more Info