for poison it's ground. for water it's either electric or grass.
psychic is weak to poison
Poison type Pokemon are weak to psychic and ground type moves.
Ground Pokemon can defeat electric Pokemon.
for poison it's ground. for water it's either electric or grass.
Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel
Poison, rock and electric.
Electric, fire, steel, rock and poison.
if any Pokemon in your last battle got poisoned when ever you walk the poisoned Pokemon loses health by poison an the screen gets wavy
Poison is very effective against grass pokemon.
Yes. It's only weaknesses are Ice and Dragon, it's immune to Electric and resistant to Poison, Rock and Fire.
Zubat is a Flying and Poison type pokemon so Rock types, Electric types, Ice types, and Psychic types would be great against it.
ground and physic Pokemon are super effective against poison Pokemon
Crobat is a Poison and Flying type pokemon.
You have to defeat a poison one to get the poison-make a electric creature follow you and it will die, leaving you the part