Presently, the whereabouts of Master Chief in the Halo universe are unknown.
And, it is unlikely that 343 Industries will end such a profitable franchise that they only recently acquired.
So, I -and many others- would go with "no."
Unlikely. Halo: CE (1) and Halo 2 were on the original Xbox, Halo's 3 and 4 are on the 360, so 5 and 6 will most likely be on the Xbox One.
1.) Halo: Combat Evolved 2.) Halo: 2 3.) Halo: 3 4.) Halo: 3 ODST 5.) Halo Wars 6.) Halo: Reach 7.) Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition (Halo: 4 Coming in 2012)
If your talking about the title then no. But if you mean like the 5th Halo game the I guess you can count Halo: Reach as the fifth and that comes out sometime fall 2010.
If you mean Halo for the PC, there is a good site here: If you mean for the xbox, sorry!
A sneak peak at halo 5, at the end master chief takes off its helmet but we only see his eyes.
Yes, In Halo 4. It will take place almost 5 years after the events of Halo 3 and he will land on a Forerunner planet.
If you ask me, I'd say master chief. First of all, master chief has the Mark-5 in Halo combat evolved which is also known as the MJOLNIR. Second of all, master chief has a strong combat fighting, so no matter how big or strong his enemies are, he always has a plan to defeat it. ( including hunters)
Yes he halo 4.................he said something in the Pelican and when they dropped him off he fought the Covenant until the floating thing that almost killed him in the beginning that the Sniper guy killed...killed him then when the rest found out they went and helped fend them off and then after they killed all.........................the credits came.......then in halo 5....master chief came out and then there were new Spartans....lots of em' but in the end Master Chief almost died when the Arbiter saved him and M.Chief used an energy sword to kill all of em' with arbiter in his side...
the main man at the end of the story after you eventually die or survive for more than 5 minutes it will go to the ending video and he should have killed all of the elites with the energy swords and should have survived and walked for a very long time and got to the last unsc base and got a new team and become a master chief leading the halo story to the game halo 4
Halo 4 was Halo ODST (orbital drop shock trooper) there are many more halos than 3. 1-Halo 2-Halo 2 3-Halo 3 4-Halo ODST 5-Halo Wars 6-Halo: Reach Halo 4 was already made, and idk if they will make the 7th because at the end of reach, everyone (and i mean literally everyone) dies and master chief is already gone sooo.....idk. but halo 4 was made.
yes, its gonna be called halo reach which is out in fall 2010to guy above: Where did you get that info? Halo: Reach is already out and it is NOT Halo 4! Halo: Reach takes place before ALL the halo games. I heard from a friend that Halo 4 will be coming out. I did some research on Halo 4 and, yes, there will be another Halo called "Halo 4" where Master Cheif returns. My friend also told me about a Halo 5, too, but he lied.I meant that it is the forth halo made by bungie excluding ODST regardless of the triology order. But you are right, Halo: Reach is not Halo 4, but I answered this question before Halo 4 was announced and I had no idea that 343 industries was going to continue on with the story of Master Chief.
Spoiler Alert!Halo 3 plays at different locations.The first two level are called Arrival and Sierra 117, Master Chief drops somewhere in the jungle in thelarger area of New Mombasa which was destroyed in Halo 2 (today's Mombasa in Kenya).The third level is Crow's Nest. It sets in a old Military base from the 21st century which was reactivated as a UNSC underground facility to fight the covenant in near New Mombasa.TsavoHighway plays on the Highways into the ruins of New Mombasa.Level 5 is the Storm. Master Chief leads a small team into the ruins of New Mombasa to take out the covenant's anti-airbatteries.Floodgate is set in the suddenly Flood invested New Mombasa.The level the Ark is obviously set on the Ark an old forerunner construction and one of the main facilities in the whole Halo systems.The eighth campaign mission sets on the Ark as well.For mission 9, Master Chief lands on the exterminated covenant city High Charity. High Charity is completely Flood invested and is primarily used by the Gravemindas a vessel.The final level is called Halo Master Chief, Sgt. Johnson and the Arbiter fight their way to the control room to "light" the Halo under construction. Then they escape over the scaffolds and the framework of the Halo.The end Video shows Master Chief in the back part of thethe Forward Unto Dawn.We see the same planet as in the first Halo Reach.
MASTER CHIEF he's a super soldier.It depends buddy, Arbiter is stealthy and strong and master chief is amazingly strong and agile. But it depends i like them bothmaster cheef has more base health so he can take more dammage with out sheleds but the arbeter is faster.the arbiter will tear him to peices its like compared a man to a women and the women being master chief. he isnt a ordinary elite, he is bigger stronger, faster, and better. elites are better than stupid spartans.the reason why i am so harsh is that he is 10 f.t tall and is like 1500 pounds when master cheif is 7 f.t tall and is 1000 pounds. arbiter could pick him up and throw him like a 100 yards. the arbiter will also take any thing the cheif can take 2x.
Spoiler Alert!Halo 3 plays at different locations.The first two level are called Arrival and Sierra 117, Master Chief drops somewhere in the jungle in thelarger area of New Mombasa which was destroyed in Halo 2 (today's Mombasa in Kenya).The third level is Crow's Nest. It sets in a old Military base from the 21st century which was reactivated as a UNSC underground facility to fight the covenant in near New Mombasa.TsavoHighway plays on the Highways into the ruins of New Mombasa.Level 5 is the Storm. Master Chief leads a small team into the ruins of New Mombasa to take out the covenant's anti-airbatteries.Floodgate is set in the suddenly Flood invested New Mombasa.The level the Ark is obviously set on the Ark an old forerunner construction and one of the main facilities in the whole Halo systems.The eighth campaign mission sets on the Ark as well.For mission 9, Master Chief lands on the exterminated covenant city High Charity. High Charity is completely Flood invested and is primarily used by the Gravemindas a vessel.The final level is called Halo Master Chief, Sgt. Johnson and the Arbiter fight their way to the control room to "light" the Halo under construction. Then they escape over the scaffolds and the framework of the Halo.The end Video shows Master Chief in the back part of thethe Forward Unto Dawn.We see the same planet as in the first Halo Reach.
Halo Reach came out last because of the order in which things played out, Bungie got a contract to make the original 3 Halo's and were also allowed to make a few extra Halo's (ODST and Reach) because 343industries got the contract for halo 4, 5 and 6. ODST was a test to see if players could stand halo without being master chief and it worked so they proceeded to make Halo Reach.
There is no Halo 5