The only mob that can spawn in water is currently a squid.
Technically, it is the giant, because it cannot be spawned in creative or survival. You require a 3rd party program to spawn the giant. The rarest mob that is spawned, is the enderdragon. There is only 1 in The End.
Chickens are passive mobs that first appeared in Alpha mode.
Go to minecraft wiki and do a search for "mob grinder" and it gives you a tutorial of how to do it.
You cant find a giant mob in vannilla minecraft but you can sumon him using a command or a spawner.
by using spawn eggs or mob spawners with a mob in them
The only mob that can spawn in water is currently a squid.
if you mean a mob spawner, which has a pig on fire in a cage block, you have to set the game difficulty to easy, normal, or hard. it will spawn mobs about every 21 seconds in a 9x9x9 area if there is a logical place to spawn a mob. if there are no logical places to spawn a mob, it will spawn nothing until an area opens up.
Mob spawners can spawn several mobs. Currently, they only spawn zombies, skeletons, spiders, and cave spiders. If you are using a mod, or MCedit, you can change them to whatever mob you want! There should also be a steve mob on MCedit.
You can download a mod so you can place mob spawner blocks in creative. But that's the only way unless there is a hack at which you can
If you mean by mob egg-type things, you can't. Only darkness can cause mobs to spawn.
You go into your creative inventory, scroll all the way down, then select the egg of the mob you want to spawn, then put it in your hot bar, select it, and right click on any block surface to spawn the mob.
You need to find a dungeon which has a mob spawner inside. (It looks like a little cage with fire and a miniature version of the mob it will spawn.) Mob spawners can spawn in dungeons zombies, skeletons or spiders. In abandoned mine shafts they can spawn cave spiders. In strongholds they can spawn silverfish. In Nether Fortresses they can spawn blazes.
You can either use mob eggs, single player commands, or GUI Spawner Mod.
Technically, it is the giant, because it cannot be spawned in creative or survival. You require a 3rd party program to spawn the giant. The rarest mob that is spawned, is the enderdragon. There is only 1 in The End.
By using single player commands. being OP on a server OR by placing a mob spawner, achievable through mods/mcedit.
Chickens are passive mobs that first appeared in Alpha mode.