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He died in the end of Sonic next gen but the princess brought him back to life Well, i dont know how to respond to this NN96

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Q: Will Sonic die
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Is Sonic going to die?

Sonic did die in Sonic the Hedgehog for PS3 and Xbox360, but he was revived and the timeline was erased.

How does Sonic die in Sonic Colours?

Sonic does not die in Sonic Colors.

Will Sonic die in Sonic generations?

No, he won't.

How does Sonic die in Sonic 06?

Mephiles shoots sonic with a beam that kills him

Did metal sonic die?

He does in sonic the movie. He falls into a volcano after saying "There is only one sonic."

What happens if sonic die?

then you will die too.

If sonic die what will happen?

then you will die too.

How did Sally die in Sonic the Hedgehog?

she did not die but i could tell you how she could of died she got shot by eggman with a blaster while sonic was fighting silver sonic.

Can Sonic go above solar Sonic?

No.If he does he will die. But theres one form wich is dark sonic

Did Sally die in Sonic the hedgehog comic?

No she became a robot and saved sonic.

Can super Sonic die?

Super sonic is invulnerable. This means he can't die. However if he loses all his rings he will transform back to Sonic and will most likely get killed soon after.

When will Sonic the Hedgehog die?

He died from Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) but he was brought back to life by using the Chaos Emeralds and a chant by Princess Elise. After time was reversed so that it never happened, so in a way he never did die!