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I tried many times, i dont know, but i know that when u install it, u install it as, and i think its supposed to be jar. Or maybe im not right. Anyways the full 1.3 update comes out August 1, 2012. And i think that has to work.

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Q: Why wont the minecraft 1.3 pre release work?
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You need to download the pre-release jar and replace your other jar with the pre-release jar.

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Minecraft 1.9 is considered its 2 parts of pre-release , and will not be developed . Minecraft 1.9 pre-release 2 is the official Minecraft 1.9 , and Minecraft 1.10 is coming in about 40 days . * *The above statement is clearly false, because 1.9 is higher than 1.1. If anything, Minecraft 2.0 would come out. Also, I play Minecraft and Minecraft pre-releases are PRE-releases, and so they are definitely not the real version. ~ydoc5212 1.9 will be released after Minecon, pre-release 3 is currently out.

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Minecraft 1.3 official release is at 1st August, while Minecraft 1.3 pre-release comes out at 24th July.

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You need minecraft 1.0.0 or over or you can get the minecraft 1.9 pre-release 5.

What Minecraft update does it have spawn eggs?

Minecraft originally came out with spawn eggs in a pre-release - 11w49a. The update was for Minecraft 1.1, in case you are looking for an actual Minecraft update release.

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it already is -.- in fact minecraft 1.2 pre-release is now out (12w07b

When did Minecraft 1.9 come out?

The Minecraft 1.9 pre-release was leaked to the public on Sept. 23, 2011.

Is Minecraft update 1.9 out?

No, 1.9 is not out yet. However, the pre-release version is out, if you can find it. The pre-release is not fully-functional, and does not represent the actual product.

How do you get 1.9 prerelease 2 in Minecraft?

Place the client in %appdata%/.minecraft/bin however, you want pre release 3 now