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because u dont deserve a bulbasaur and she wants to give it to someone better than u!

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Q: Why wont the girl in Pokemon yellow give you Bulbasaur?
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How do you get a Bulbasaur on Pokemon Yellow?

Bulbasaur - you go to Cerulean city (the blue place) and you make Pikachu happy.You can give him loads of potions.Then you go in a house where a young girl talks about taking care of injured pokemon. She will then give bulbasaur to you, knowing you can take care of it.

How do you get bulbusaur in Pokemon Yellow?

Bulbasaur - you go to Cerulean city (the blue place) and you make Pikachu happy.You can give him loads of potions.Then you go in a house where a young girl talks about taking care of injured pokemon. She will then give bulbasaur to you, knowing you can take care of it.

How do you get bulbasaur in yellow?

A woman in the house West of the Cerulean City Pokemon Centre will give you a Bulbasaur if your Pikachu is happy enough. The Bulbasaur is level 10.

How do you get Bulbasaur on Pokemon Yellow?

go to cerillian city and go to the house next to the Pokemon center and talk to the lady and she will give you the bulbasaur if your pikachu is happy enough

Where can you get Bulbasaur in Pokemon Yellow Version?

Once Pikachu is happy with you, talk to the lady next to the gym in Cerulean City. She will give you a Bulbasaur.

Where can you find bulvasuar in Pokemon Yellow?

Bulbasaur is at a nursing home in Cerulean City. after getting the SS ticket go to that house beside the Pokemon center and she will give you Bulbasaur.

Where to get bulbasaur?

In Pokemon Red, Blue, Fire Red, or Leaf Green, Bulbasaur is a starter Pokemon. In Pokemon Yellow, a girl will give you one if Pikachu's happiness is high enough. In Heart Gold and Soul Silver, a Bulbasaur is a reward for defeating Red. In any other games, you must use the Time Capsule, Pal Park, a trade, the Dream World, or PokeTransfer.

Where is the Bulbasaur house?

This is only available in Pokemon Yellow but there is a house in Cerulean City with a lady that has a Bulbasaur available but she will not give it to just anyone only people that pokemon can trust and those who are worthy (those who have the 2nd Badge).

How do you catch Bulbasaur in Pokemon Yellow?

Go to Cerulean City and beat Misty(There shouldn't be a problem since your Pikachu should know ThunderShock, and ThunderBolt and/or Thunder if you've been training a lot). Then go to the house next door to the Pokemon Center. Go inside, and talk to the girl in the back. She'll ask you to take care of the Bulbasaur beside her. Accept it and she'll give you the Bulbasaur.

How can you get Bulbasaur in Pokemon Yellow?

You will get a Bulbasaur when you go to Cerulean City. When you first arrive, you will be venturing from the grassy area and going right. Enter the house closest to you. There should be a woman with a blubasaur sitting by her side. Talk to her. For her to give you the bulbasaur, you must have an empty space in your party. There you go. Enjoy.

What Pokemon are different in Pokemon Red and blue?

there are a lot to mention but I'll give some. in Pokemon Yellow you can have Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle all at the same time where in Red and Blue you can only have one. Meowth is not wild in the Yellow version but can be caught in the Blue version.

How do you get bulbasur in Pokemon Yellow?

go to cerulean city and search on the houses a bulbasaur talk to the lady he will give you a bulbasaur note:bulbasaur atacks are tackle leech seed growl vine whip he s at level 10 i recomend you to have a exp share