Probably has to do with your connection. Try turning off your modem and restarting it.
So far in the Modern Warfare Series, there has been Modern Warfare One and Modern Warfare Two. A third is coming out in November.
well call of duty and modern warfare are the same it is called Call of Duty: Modern warfare and then came call of duty: modern warfare 2
The Call of Duty Reflex Edition was the first Modern Warfare game for the Nintendo Wii and is not a Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 although it was released at that time
it means: FNG- F****** New Guy (modern warfare) S.S.D.D- Same S*** Different Day (Modern Warfare)
No they are different games
Yes it does to connect to servers but online multiplayer only so campaign is ok
I have the same issue. running off a router, but my laptop and psnetwork are both online......only mw2 online option is unable to jion matchmaking server. ultra bummed. help
Using different servers.
Probably has to do with your connection. Try turning off your modem and restarting it.
No Comment, It shouldn't be done.
If it takes ages to get into an online game on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 such as a Team Deathmatch or Groundwar, it is because the Infinity Ward servers are filled with people all around the world trying to connect to CoDMW2 matches. The servers are slow because of this which is why it takes ages getting into a match. I hope this solved your wandering. :)
as of November 4 2012 no its not
Uhhhmm, no, you can on Modern Warfare 2 though.
Get a better internet connect... ;_;
Maybe because the Wii game is call of duty modern warfare reflex edition and not COD 4
As I have only played Modern Warfare 2 on the PC I can only answer for that. Modern Warfare 2 does not have the option to have dedicated servers. This means that in each online game one of the players is automatically selected to be the server. This makes it impossible for a map other than one of the original ones to be hosted on a server.