Because they're cool like that =P srry, i dont really know the answer
Do you use Visualboy Advance? Make sure this emulator is up-to-date.
No, but if u do a code such as "wild Pokemon easily caught, it wont work"
If you wanna hack it on VBA I know a pretty good site. Some of the stuff might not work, but most of it does, so heres the link - Tons of tools on there and even games that people have hacked and made into their own games you can download. Here's some cool stuff that I got off there - Advance Map - Edit maps, Pokemon you encounter, and events (e.g. people) Advance Text - CONTROL WHAT PEOPLE SAY! Advance Mart - Edit things you buy in marts Advance Attack (A-Tack) - Edit attacks Pokemon Amplifier - Edit Pokemon to do almost anything (It's in a different language, though) BE WARNED!! DO NOT DOWNLOAD ELITE MAP!! IT HAS TROJAN VIRUSES!!
yes you can you have to use the time machine on the second floor on any Pokemon center but make sure you don't have Pokemon from gold or silver in your party b/c it wont let you do it, and if a Pokemon knows a new move that doesnt exist in red, blue, and yellow than it wont let you trade. Pretty much don't try to trade anything new from gold to blue b/c it wont work and it will tell you to get differernt Pokemon.
there is a separate tool you can use to edit text called advance text. It isn't too hard to find, just search for it on the internet and download it. Once you have it, open your ROM and you can find what things what you want to edit. sometimes, after you have downloaded it, it won't work because you are missing a file. you need a comctl32.ocx. file which can also be found on the Internet. Hope this helps a little
no i tried it wont work =(
the pokemon advance text editor not working because the file does not exist comct.32 (not working)
The answer is a perfect NO! See, Advance Text is used to edit the texts in GBA (GameBoy Advance) ROMS like Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen while you said Gen 4 games which are preferably an NDS (Nintendo DS) ROMS like Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver. So the answer is NO!! Did you get your answer or do I need to provide more information regarding this?
You need a decent emulator. VBA wont work.
yup, all gameboy colour games work on a gameboy advance
Pokemon LeafGreen was made for the Gameboy Advance, and so yes, it will work on that system. It will also work in a Nintendo DS that has the extra slot (3DS and later do not have the extra slot), where you can play from that slot or migrate past Pokemon to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
that wont work
it means you wont get in trouble at work, if u do they might not think your reliable :)
it does just not pal park
Do you use Visualboy Advance? Make sure this emulator is up-to-date.
Because the game hates you =]