They have started their revolt against you, get out while you still can!
Badges allow Pokemon obey to a certain level. Once you get all badges, any traded Pokemon will obey at any level.
yes but only if you have enongh gym badges
not yet but I'm trying to make one
You have to have a Pokemon that knows mean look or block. Then use the move and they wont be able to flee.
u have to see 210 Pokemon to get the national pokedex from rowan
You dont have enough gym badges.
Badges allow Pokemon obey to a certain level. Once you get all badges, any traded Pokemon will obey at any level.
Level 20
yes but only if you have enongh gym badges
that wont work
You don't, so sorry and you wont get on in there but if you do...
Make sure SoulSilver has Platinum's Friend Code, and Platinum has SoulSilver's Friend Code.
technically no, but you wont get anywhere in the game.
not yet but I'm trying to make one
leave the infected Pokemon in the PC so it wont disapear
There is no code like that.
it would ussually be the other why around you take Pokemon from platinum and send it to soul silver plus you have to have a certain gym badge for a Pokemon to Pokemon to obey you ex 2nd gym leder will give you a badge to get Pokemon up to lvl 20