The Pirate Bay is still currently in operation and has only ever been temporarily shut down. The temporary shut down was court ordered until the claims against The Pirate Bay had been settled.
The Pirate Bay is free...
If you're wondering if a website is down, or if it is just you, you can use the website in the related link below.
If you want to pirate them - The pirate bay. If you want to buy them - STEAM
not yet.
The Pirate Bay
because my nanna is still downloading her movie.
There have been a few BIT Torrent sites shut down in the last few years. Some of those shut down include 'The Pirate Bay', 'Mega Upload' and 'Torrent Freak'.
No, it's not.
I know someone who works at a expert computer business or whatever (not important) and they say that cogeco detects that you are using the pirate bay and shuts down your internet. I don't know how it works, the person doesn't know how it works either. I was just told that it shuts down your internet, I need someone to respond to this-quickly.
The Pirate Bay is free...
The base at Guantanamo Bay isn't being closed down, just the prison.
the abattoir opened in 1913 and shut down in 1988.
Who knew that the UK had blocked the pirate bay site? If you want to get a legal alternative you can download the Canadian IOS Hunt and this will enable you to go to the Pirate Bay site.
If you're wondering if a website is down, or if it is just you, you can use the website in the related link below.
If you want to pirate them - The pirate bay. If you want to buy them - STEAM
Yes Lime Wire was ordered to shut down, if you are looking for another site to dowload Try dowloading a software called Bit Torrent and then go to the pirate bay on google. You can dowload some there I think... Not sure. My friend was saying something about that the other day.