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They said that minecraft would never be a "finished product", and that adding more stuff periodically would keep users interested in the game.

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Q: Why the creators of minecraft update minecraft?
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When do the creators of Minecraft update Minecraft?

Mojang tend to update the game every 10-12 months as of 2016.

When is the next update for minecraft pocket edtion 0.6.2?

No one actually knows for sure except the creators. And other people :P

Why didn't my Minecraft update?

If Minecraft hasn't updated for you, you may have to force an update. When Minecraft opens, check the force update option and then log in. That should make Minecraft update for you.

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Neither. Herobrine is a mythical being that was created by fans of Minecraft. He has gained enough recognition to be seen by Mojang (the creators of Minecraft) who has since started ending update logs with "- removed Herobrine".

Can you update Minecraft manually?

yes open minecraft click force update then play minecraft.

How do you update Minecraft to 1.5?

When an update is released Minecraft will ask you if you want to update as it starts.You can update Minecraft manually by downloading the version, weekly update or pr-release you want as minecraft.jar, and replacing the minecraft.jar in the bin folder of the Minecraft directory

How Do You Downdate Minecraft?

You can't "downdate" minecraft. You can only update it. But you don't have to update it.

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The creators of FarmVille often update the game. Unfortunately you can't.

What Minecraft update does it have spawn eggs?

Minecraft originally came out with spawn eggs in a pre-release - 11w49a. The update was for Minecraft 1.1, in case you are looking for an actual Minecraft update release.

Can you update a cracked Minecraft?

Minecraft is an online game and cannot be cracked. You update Minecraft on your iPod or iPhone by visiting the iTunes stores and clicking the update button.

Will Minecraft be update for window 8?

Minecraft does not need to update for it to be compatible with Windows 8

When is 1.2 update for Minecraft coming?

February 22 2012. If this is for the new Minecraft update