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wait and the tree will start shaking then there might be a rare Pokemon like combee,heracross or even a munchlax. PS. munchlax is super rare on a tree

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Q: Why slather the bark with honey on Pokemon platinum?
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What Pokemon can you catch with Honey?

In Pokemon you have to find a orange tree and go up to it click on it then you will be asked do you want to slather the bark with honey you click yes thencome back to the tree later and if you get a pokèmon it will be either a level 22 combee or a level 30 vespiquin

Where to catch a combee on Pokemon pearl?

Combees are in the yellow trees, if you stand in front of the tree and you press A, it sais: There is a sweet scent in the air... Slather the bark with Honey? You have to slather the bark with honey, and come back in 6 hours something like that. After 12 hours there is nothing there anymore. The can buy the honey in Floaroma Town, you go all the way up, then to the left and you see a dark corner, walk into it. Then you would see a man, talk to him and you can buy the honey from him for 100.

How long do you have to wait to get a Heracross on a honey tree in Pokemon diamond?

Well, the Pokèmon that appear on the tree are randomized; you can get a Heracross on Mt. Silver in HeartGold and SoulSilver, but it usually takes 6-8 hours for a Pokèmon to appear on a Honey Tree after you slather the bark with Honey.

Where can you get aipom in Pokemon platinum?

If you slather honey on the bark of a tree and wait for three hours exactly, the tree will shake harder then normal and the chances are you should either find a female combee, aipom, munchlax or burmy in the tree. I was told to put some honey on a tree near Floroama town i believe & wait around 3 - 6 hours , their will be a 5 - 10% Chance you will get a Female aipom. Otherwise Trade from other games - Diamond , Pearl ~ etc.

Where do you find the Pokemon Snorlax in Pokemon Diamond?

There are three ways of getting a Snorlax. You can't catch Snorlax in Diamond or Pearl very easily.Catch a Munchlax, then evolve it into Snorlax. To do this buy some honey from the guy at Floaroma Town and go to any honey tree (gold colored tree) and press 'A'. It will ask you if you want to slather the bark with Honey. Press "yes," then wait 6 hours and 15 minutes and the tree will start to shake. Go back to the tree and click 'A' and battle the Pokémon. It's a 1% chance to battle a Munchlax, so this isn't a recommended method unless you have lots of money and patience.Trade with someone that does have a Munchlax or Snorlax.Migrate Snorlax from either Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed or LeafGreen using the Pal Park feature in Pokemon Diamond.I just want to let you know DO NOT MAKE AN EGG FROM SNORLAX AND HATCH IT!!! I have already tried that and for some dtrange reason it comes out as a snorlax????

Related questions

How many times do you slather bark with honey before it wiggles in Pokemon platinum?

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How do you get wild Gabite in Pokemon platinum?

Go to Victory Road or just slather the bark of a honey tree with honey. The easier way is to go to Victory Road.

How do you get Aipon in Pokemon platinum?

You have to slather the honey trees bark with honey. i waited over night because you have a better chance to get a rare pokemon (at least for me) but they usually come in a range from lv 8-15

In Pokemon platinum what trees can lure munchlax?

You go to Floaroma city and talk to the guy in the field he will give you Honey if you slather the bark of a sweet scenting tree with Honey then wait a while different pokémon will come Hope this helps :)

How do you use Honey to catch Pokemon in Pokemon pearl?

you have to go to a yellow tree than press the A button and it will ask you to slather the bark with honey then you`ll have to be patient and wait for it to shake then press A again when shaking and a Pokemon will appear.

Where can you find aipom in Pokemon platinum?

Put honey on a tree. Wait for 12 hours, and if you get lucky, you might battle an Aipom. *Correction* In Floroama Town , Slather honey on Tree Bark , wait 3 - 6 Hours & Then there will be a 5 - 10% chance that a Female Aipom will appear. Otherwise trade Pokemon from Pokemon Diamond , Pearl ~ Etc

Where do you get a girl combee in Pokemon platinum besices the honey tree. It gets annoying to slather the dumb bark with honey?

You cant get a female or even nale combee in any other way than from the honey tree. However, it is very worth it because female combees evolve into vespiquens at around level 21

Where can you find a combee in Pokemon platinum?

You get a combee when you slather the bark of of a sweet smelling tree with can also get a burmy, aipom, wurmple, hearacross, cheribu, munchlax and a cascoon.sometimes you will not find any pokemon.

How do you battle a Pokemon on a sweet smelling tree on Pokemon diamond?

Slather the bark with honey, save, and turn your game off. Come back in about 6 hours and 30 minutes. Please remember that attracting a Pokemon with honey is not a sure thing. This is what i use anyway. Hope this helps.

What Pokemon can you catch with Honey?

In Pokemon you have to find a orange tree and go up to it click on it then you will be asked do you want to slather the bark with honey you click yes thencome back to the tree later and if you get a pokèmon it will be either a level 22 combee or a level 30 vespiquin

Where to catch a combee on Pokemon pearl?

Combees are in the yellow trees, if you stand in front of the tree and you press A, it sais: There is a sweet scent in the air... Slather the bark with Honey? You have to slather the bark with honey, and come back in 6 hours something like that. After 12 hours there is nothing there anymore. The can buy the honey in Floaroma Town, you go all the way up, then to the left and you see a dark corner, walk into it. Then you would see a man, talk to him and you can buy the honey from him for 100.

How long do you have to wait to get a Heracross on a honey tree in Pokemon diamond?

Well, the Pokèmon that appear on the tree are randomized; you can get a Heracross on Mt. Silver in HeartGold and SoulSilver, but it usually takes 6-8 hours for a Pokèmon to appear on a Honey Tree after you slather the bark with Honey.