Maybe people find better prices and selection at Amazon or maybe it is your local store
I don't even think Eb games is open anymore
Game prices always depend on the game, but the Playstation Store prices are not often below retail.
The same as the cost would in a store for a PSP game.
Cheating can be bad at some times because if you cheat too much on one game, the game might crash and you won't be able to play it anymore. Cheating also bores some people who play video games.
It depends on the system an repair itself, I work at the Lockport store but feel free to call your closest Oogie for a price range!
No, that isnt much memory for a phone. Try a 4GB or 8GB or 16GB, which are able to store much more information than a 60MB phone.
No, the PlayStation is getting too old there not making much games for it anymore.
People in Ndotsheni are dying because the land cannot support them anymore. e.g. there is no milk for the babies, the grass isnt growing as much, ...etc
I don't even think Eb games is open anymore
WHY WOULD YOU SELL IT, FOOL?!?! IT'S THE BEST GAME EVER!!!! (Plus, you'd probably only get a few dollars, and it would be in store credit. Games stores don't pay cash for ps2 games anymore. Trust me, I've tried selling them to gamestop, gamequest, and toyriffic. All only offer store credit, and they said all games stores are doing it now.)
There are free games on iTunes, and pretty much any app store.
Sadly,game crazy dont sell video games anymore.
no, there isnt
it just depends on what store you go to at the game stops the new games are $30.00
that varies but you can always call your local game stop to check