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The reason Knuckles the Echidna is red is because of his strength of he's ultra strong

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Why is Knuckles the Echidna red?

the reason why Knuckles is red because SEGA chose him to be red

What colour is Knuckles the Echidna?

Knuckles the Echidna is red

Who draws on knuckles on sonic x?

Knuckles is the red Echidna in sonic x

What is Knuckles in the Sonic games?

He is a red echidna.

Who is the red guy in sonic?

Knuckles the edcidna.

What is Knuckles the echidna's favorite color?

Knuckles the Echidna's favorite color is traditionally portrayed as red. This color choice is likely due to his association with the Master Emerald, which is also red in color. In various Sonic the Hedgehog media, Knuckles is consistently depicted wearing red shoes and gloves, further reinforcing his affinity for the color red.

How do you get a knuckles chao without an action replay on sonic adventure to battle?

Use only knuckles. Give it only red chaos drives AND only red food and power type animals. Reincarnate it seven times. Then you have a knuckles chao.

What is the red sonics name?

Black is Shadow, Red might be Knuckles, Brown is Tails, Blue is Sonic

What is the name of the red sonic?

Black is Shadow, Red might be Knuckles, Brown is Tails, Blue is Sonic

Who would win Hulk or Knuckles?

if your talking about knuckles the echidna then i would say knuckles :) Can you use logic? The Hulk is 50 times the size of a stupid red animal. All the Hulk has to do is to use his Hulk Smash!

Is knuckles cool?

Yes, because he can fly and he is super strong. And to top it he is red.

What does Knuckles the echidna look like?

hes red and he has shovel claws dahh