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The amount of skill required to play CoD often drives the weaker gamers mad. The ones who work through the pain often devote their lives to the endeavour of reaching the highest prestige, which wreaks havoc on their social lives.

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Q: Why is it that people who play call of duty are freaks?
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How many people play games like call of duty?

About 40 Million people play the Call of Duty franchise.

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AnswerHonestly, more people play Call of Duty. A good decent amount of people still play Halo though.

Why do people play Call of Duty?

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You can only play with people who own a WII console

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Millions of people play Call of Duty online. About 11 million accounts have been made and played on Black Ops.

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They play it a lot like call of duty gamers play call of duty I mean like 24/7

Can 2 people play call of duty 4 online?

Only one person per X-box can play Call of Duty 4 online.

How many people still play Call of Duty?

1000s there are loads of people that play this game LOL

Can you play Call of Duty on PS3?

If there isn't a download on the store with call of duty, then no. You can play call of duty 3 onwards on the PS3.

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What is a website to play call of duty?

You can't play Call of Duty on a website. You have to buy it.