Is isn't , it's just that on some games such as dead island they don't want people hacking it or getting trophies with out doing them . So they put a lock on there saves
All game data is saved on the game cartridge itself. The DS does not have internal memory for saving game data - the DSi has a memory card, but also does not save game data to it.
First you start a new game and then just save over your old saved game.
If you mean a game save [under Game > Saved Data Uility on your XMB] then the games that you play will automatically load those for you. If you mean a saved homebrew game, read the readme.txt they usually come with, it will tell you to move all the data to "psp/game" or maybe "psp/game150" ect..
Manu-load game-dele save game
you have to delete the hole game its self and then get it back on your d.s but you also have to delete the saved data.
All game data is saved on the game cartridge itself. The DS does not have internal memory for saving game data - the DSi has a memory card, but also does not save game data to it.
all of the data for a certain game is saved on the game card for it
Yes, The data for the saved game is saved on the Wii itself and not on the game's disk so if you have the same game it will remember.
On the Game card.
If the saved data is on your wii console and you play the same game on a different wii you will not have your same saved data you will have the other wii's data if it has any if you want to play a game on 2 different wii's save the data on a SD card and bring that card to the other wii to play with your saved data.
The data saved by a game on a console can be access by any other copies of the same game.
your hard drive
just go into your data managment where all your games get saved and erase the saved data and you will be able to start a new game.
First you start a new game and then just save over your old saved game.
If you mean a game save [under Game > Saved Data Uility on your XMB] then the games that you play will automatically load those for you. If you mean a saved homebrew game, read the readme.txt they usually come with, it will tell you to move all the data to "psp/game" or maybe "psp/game150" ect..
Start > Saved Data > New Game
its probably you're saved game data