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it might be because you're internet isn't on a good connection strength. This means that you need to download the next version ect. if this doesn't work go on Yahoo answers.

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Q: Why is clubpenguin never loading on your computer?
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What does comm mean in clubpenguin?

computer i guess

Can you play clubpenguin in nook color?

You can not you have to do it on the computer

When is rockhopper leaving on clubpenguin?


Clubpenguin name and password not banned?

you can get banned in clubpenguin and never get to play the account ever again

What do you have to do to work for Clubpenguin?

All you have to do is have a masters in computer science.

How did they make clubpenguin?

They make clubpenguin at a base in canda using high tech computer softwaere and flash 9.

When you get a clubpenguin membership do you just enter a code on your computer?


Why does clubpenguin never finish logging you in?

because either club penguin is experiencing technical difficulties or your connection is slow or you need to wait & reboot you computer/lap top

How do you tip the ice berg in clubpenguin?

You can never tip the iceberg. And I mean NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is cp traner 5 in clubpenguin?

Cp traner 5 is a installment in your computer to help you Do certain cheats for coins and items on clubpenguin.

Computer freezes when loading games in full screen?

You need a better computer.

How do you add a friend on clubpenguin when they are not online?

get on the computer u lazy ones