you have to download it off the computer to your ds using a usb cord
i am not sure why your apps are not loading but please try going to "Downloads" on your iTunes toolbar in iTunes and loading them there. Then sync your itouch with your itunes and they should transfer.
google clubpenguin cheats
i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!
i cant dress my puffules on clubpenguin
computer i guess
You can not you have to do it on the computer
you can get banned in clubpenguin and never get to play the account ever again
All you have to do is have a masters in computer science.
They make clubpenguin at a base in canda using high tech computer softwaere and flash 9.
because either club penguin is experiencing technical difficulties or your connection is slow or you need to wait & reboot you computer/lap top
You can never tip the iceberg. And I mean NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cp traner 5 is a installment in your computer to help you Do certain cheats for coins and items on clubpenguin.
You need a better computer.
get on the computer u lazy ones