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because most of the next gen Video Games suck.

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Q: Why is bejeweled blitz so slow now?
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How many ranks are there in Bejeweled 3?

It seems that the rank level names of Bejeweled 3 are identical to the ones of Bejeweled Blitz so 131 ranks

Why won't bejewled blitz finish downloading on fb?

umm i play bejewled blitz but i never downloaded it so maybe ur computer is juts slow idk good luck tho

What are the games or applications in Facebook that you can get Facebook credits?

to gain credits you buy them using pay-pal but you can win some in some games such as bejeweled blitz. Also you gain 10 credits on your birthday but you can only gain it once a year so if you reset your birthday to collect another ten you will not receive it. I am sure there are many games to win credits but i only play bejeweled!

Is bejeweled compatible with the iPod Nano?

I don't think so the iPod nano only has a radio and maybe some games but it does not include Bejeweled.

Why did Britain win the blitz?

They didn't WIN the Blitz. They SURVIVED. The Blitz was the bombing of British cities. So they couldn't win it.

How was the blitz called the blitz?

The name blitz came from the word blitzkrieg which was the German way of saying lighting war. So the word blitz comes from lighting war.

How much is the cheapest bejeweled 3?

Preferably, you should get a used one on Amazon. A used PC Bejeweled 3 game costs $15. There are 3 left so time is limited.

Why answerscom is so slow now a days?

because it holds loads of information.

How many levels does bejeweled 3 deluxe have?

so far i have reached level 25 on the classic

Describe the effects of the blitz on everyday life in Britain does this mean the effect of the blitz so after 1941 or is it the effect during the blitz?

I think it means both. During the Blitz eg. the air raids interrupting peoples jobs and also the aftermath eg. the destruction of buildings, homes, lives etc.

Can you get xbox live with slow internet?

i thought the same thing at first but now i watch youtube while i play halo reach so it does not slow the internet

What type of day did the blitz happen?

The blitz mainly happened at night so the British could not see the planes and rocket bombs coming.