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He's not free. Wearing the paladin armor (which is member-only) means that he is a member. my free account is user ash55aka pass 12345678

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Q: Why is artix free account aq worlds?
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How do you unlock artix's aq worlds account?

You cant.

How do you unlock artix's aqw account?

Simple you can't because i am Artix so no Hacking on AQ worlds you are artix?

How do you free account in aq worlds?

Its automaticly free

What can you do with undead essence in aq worlds?

hump the artix

How much does artix axe cost on aq worlds?

you cant buy it.

Is there anyone with a free aq worlds account?

login:Modorator_ pass:nicholas

Can someone give a you a free AQ Worlds account?


Accounts in aq worlds?

Username: Zazul Password: Get a life stop asking for account Username: Artix Password: Stop asking for accounts

How do you get cheat membership in aq worlds?

Not possible. But if you did, you'd get sued by Artix Entertainment

How do you get free coins adventurequest worlds?

Okay ,if u want ac coins click on following link or copy paste into ur browser address bar, register, during registration site will ask u for alertpay email, open alertpay make a account its free and then log in the site and start clicking on ads, u will get good membership with this money in aq worlds......... and enjoy.....................'s another way to get ACs. You first make an Artix account here: Then, you link your AQW account to the Artix account. You can earn Artix points on the Artix account and convert them into ACs by clicking on your linked AQW account and transferring the Artix points into AC coins.

In AQ Worlds I have verified my AQ Guardian Account but I cant access the Shop?

complain to adventure quest it might be a foulght in the system im a guardian i havent had any problems so talk to artix

How do you get in the castle in aq worlds?

You must complete the quests set by Artix in story mode