Make sure the slot where the game card goes is not dusty, and make sure the game card itself is not dusty and is scratch-free.
If all is well with other games, then you may need to exchange the game for a new one.
Yes, the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi can link together to play Pokemon. Keep in mind that games such as Pokemon Diamond and HeartGold cannot link with Pokemon Black (2) and White (2) for battling and trading.
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
Ya you can! Most d.s game you play on any d.s, but i heard a rumor about dsi only games.
there is no Pokemon Mansion in Heartgold.
dsi reapy
yes, you can connect with HeartGold.
There isn't currently a code for all of the legendary pokemon, but they each have individual codes in Heartgold DSi Action Reply. check out this guy's channel on YouTube. He has most of the legendary pokemon DSi Action Replay Code for Heartgold. ☺ :)
They are for ALL DS SYSTEMS, DS, DS lite, DSi, and DSi XL.
you put your game in the action replay then put it in your ds, dsi, or dsi XL
Only on the Nintendo DS, DS lite and DSi
650 euro
What are you talking about? Pokemon games are played in Nintendo DS' or Nintendo DSi and Nintendo DSi XL. The games avalible are Pokemon Heartgold, Pokemon Soulsilver, Pokemon Pearl, and Pokemon Dimond, these games are played on the Nintendo DSi, DS, and Nintendo DSi XL. You can also play games online, Play on the official site,
it should work
Of couse, the game is not on the ds or dsi. It's a game card