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cos he IS!:)

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Q: Why is Pikachu yellow?
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Why is Pikachu yellow in Pokemon?

Pikachu's natural color is yellow.

Can you catch Pikachu in yellow?

you start with a pikachu.................

Pokemon Yellow catch pekachu?

you can not catch a pikachu in yellow, but you can get it from blue or red. The only pikachu you get in yellow is the one you start with.

How do you get Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow?

How do you get Pikachu other than starting out with it?

Who is Ash's yellow Pokemon mate?

A Pikachu His name is Pikachu.

How do you get pikachu in yellow?

Pikachu is the starter Pokemon for Pokemon Yellow. You get he/she at Professor Oak's Lab in Pallet Town.

What level does Pikachu learn thunderbolt in yellow?

Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at lvl 26 in Pokemon Yellow.

What Pokemon can you find on Yellow forest in Pokemon gold?

The Yellow Forest route on the Pokewalker? Pikachu. Only Pikachu.

In Pokemon yellow how to make Pikachu evolve and still stay out of the pokeball?

you can't evolve pikachu in the game but if you trade a pikachu from red or blue you can evolve it with a thunder stone but if you try to evolve the pikachu you get at the begging of yellow it just upsets pikachu

Can pikachu be in viridian forest on Pokemon Yellow?

No, Pikachu cannot be found in the Viridian Forest in Pokémon Yellow.

Why in Pokemon Yellow your Pikachu denies to take the thunder-stone?

Because in the yellow version, Pikachu simply cannot evolve. This version is more based on Ash and Pikachu together.

How do you know when Pikachu is happy in Pokemon Yellow?

Look at your pikachu,face it, and press A