Because when you got on the web it gets viruses and like explode and dies
so dont go on the web
It looks bad because its not PS3
Because it has bad games and really bad internet sounds like an expect Xbox 360 gamer whose friends have switched to PS3 its very addicting
No :(
Because the PS3 has been out for years
Battlefield Bad Company 2
It looks bad because its not PS3
Because it has bad games and really bad internet sounds like an expect Xbox 360 gamer whose friends have switched to PS3 its very addicting
I think so yah
because the tv not right for ps3
WII has bad controler and bad graphic . xbox 360 no free online . PS3 free online and better games so u should buy the PS3.
No a PS3 for a Wii would be a bad trade.
Throwing it in a pool.
i dont think so man.... really sucks huh?
on the box of my battlefield bad company 2 for my PS3 game is rated M for Mature!
NOO. You should not! GET A WII!! Trust me I have both and so far wii is kicking its but soo bad! Call of duty and resident evil 5 on wii is so friken fun as heck! GET THE WI NOT PS3.
It is very bad!!
bad disc