Let me rephrase that for you, why is the 360 rubbish?
The ps3 has Blu Ray,DVD,free online ,addiction and looks very attractive!
Its awesome!
Xbox's are so rubbish because: Online costs Not good graphics Not good HD GET PS3! ITS WORTH IT!
nocsence and rubbish E.G. "what a load of rubbish" or "what a load of twaddle"
a PS3 can Play PS3 Games
Litter is a six letter word for scattered rubbish.
turn on a ps3 then turn on a controller, any ps3, any controller.
No, it's really ahead of it's time.
poopy xbox is rubbish. get a ps3
Xbox's are so rubbish because: Online costs Not good graphics Not good HD GET PS3! ITS WORTH IT!
This fight about xboxs and ps3s has to stop they have both advanges eg ps3s have blue ray xbox have kinect, ps3 have some games xbox don't. People can say xbox are rubbish others say PS are rubbish, as a xbox and a ps3 owner i say there the same.
That's a matter of opinion. Decide for yourself, but personally I would prefer the ps3 because the controllers are easier to use and it has better graphics.- lode of rubbish PS dosent improve the graphics its the games that do it. And this fight about xboxs and ps3s has to stop they have both advanges eg ps3s have blue ray xbox have kinect, ps3 have some games xbox don't. People can say xbox are rubbish others say PS are rubbish, as a xbox and a ps3 owner i say there the same. They are not the same the PS3 will work with a PS Vita and Xbox does not have a portable option o go with it. It offers Playstation Plus for the cost of Xbox Live. The new Xbox One finally decided to use the blu ray. It (PS3) does not charge an arm and leg for larger harddrives, but allows you to use a standard laptop to upgrade PS3 GBs.
Yes it's Awesome i'm so obsessed with mine but now that the PS3 is out that's even better so go ahead for that!
Ignore all those who just read up on the new & spread the rubbish they find without actually trying it out first. The real answer is NO I have the PS3 portal & tried it on my Wii but the Wii just keeps asking for me to insert the Wireless Dongle but no matter what I have tried is unable to find it. The PS3 Dongle is different & thus will not work on your Wii
Not rubbish
Welsh word for 'rubbish' are:ysbwrial (rubbish, refuse)sothach (refuse, rubbish, trash)
hes rubbish
how many sharks get killed by rubbish how many sharks get killed by rubbish