because the three birds are hiting each other and they mite of killed ash if lugia did not come
movie 8 the legendary super saiyan
No. Legendaries do not evolve. They can only change forms, like Shaymin. Hope this helps!this is a question 2 that guy ^ but how come phanphy evolves into manphy? but mew does not evolve into mewtwo, watch the first movie, its made, but the way i see it no he is not a legendaryDisregard the first two answers. Dragonite is a Pseudo-legendarypokemon. The base stat line for all legendary pokemon is 580, any higher is considered legendary. Dragonite's base stats are 600. These are also pokemon who have a 3 stage evolution chain and their 3rd stage has a base stat line of 580 or higher.So technically Dragonite is legendary, but not in the same way Lugia is.
The only times Ash met lugia were in the movie "Pokemon 2000: The Power of One" and in episodes 220, 221, and 222 of season 5.
Almost all talking Pokémon speak through Telepathy(except Meowth).To my knowledge there are:1. Meowth (Team Rocket - who can forget about him?)2. Lapras (Ash's from the Orange league)3. Mewtwo (1st Movie - the 1 and only)4. Lugia (2nd Movie)5. Slowking (2nd Movie)6. Jirachi (6th Movie)7. Deoxys (7th Movie)8. Lucario (8th Movie)9. Manaphy (9th Movie)10. Darkrai (10th Movie)11. Shaymin (11th Movie)12. Lugia (2nd Movie)from my knowledge:zorua: zoroark the master of illusions
I don't know, wish he did. My favorite legendary pokemon! Maybe they will make one in the future.
Yes,At The Special Premiere Of Pokemon 12th Movie They Showed A Teaser Where Lugia And Ho-oh Are Fighting, Although This Doesn't Prove That Lugia Is Fighting Ho-oh In The Movie.
That would be lugia, articuno, moltres and zapdos.
do you mean in the movie? the 2nd movie. they shown Lugia, Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno there.
Yes, the 13th movie does feature Lugia and Ho-Oh and also the three legendary beasts. In Japan it is coming out on July 4, 2010. is the source. Actually, the movie' s gonna feature the Legendary Beasts, Celebi, AND the new Pokemon Zorua :D IDK about Lugia and Ho-oh since they're not on the movie web site.
Lugia is in the second movie, Pokemon 2000.
The film about Arceus is the 12th Pokemon movie. The 13th Pokemon movie is about Celebi who sees the three legendary dogs fighting in the future and he's going to try to stop them.
Dark/Shadow Lugia is only available in the Gamecube game Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness.
Lugia's song is a song that Lugia sings in the movie Pokemon 2000 to stop Zaptos, Moltrace, and Artacno from fighting and from destroying the world.To hear Lugia's song please go to the following website You!By:Justin Kurtz you spelt the names wrong. its Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres.
No there is a lugia vs ho-oh movie coming out
yes heatran is a legendary
They are in the second Pokemon movie:The Power of One