Ganondorf is inmortal so he has no age.
Ganondorf never can hold his sword in melee however when the new character approaches thing appears and you see ganondorf you can clearly see his sword also when you win a melee as ganondorf occasionally he will take out his sword.
ganondorf. It's actually Ike not ganondorf.
Ganondorf, if your talking about a Zelda game.
I think it's because Ganondorf is very evil and somewhat monster since he can turn into Ganon
Ganondorf was born in Detroit, Michigan.
Ganondorf's last name is Dragmire.
Link is the only one that can beat Ganon and Ganondorf.
Ganondorf is inmortal so he has no age.
Ganondorf ain't evil. Nobody's evil in Zelda games.
ganondorf arose from defeat after you defeated him in ocarina of time
Ganondorf never can hold his sword in melee however when the new character approaches thing appears and you see ganondorf you can clearly see his sword also when you win a melee as ganondorf occasionally he will take out his sword.
nope no saving the end is after ganondorf
ganondorf. It's actually Ike not ganondorf.