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Not really all that popular as a game. But for a warcraft 3 custom map, dota is the most successful and popular in that category. It is popular because there are 100+ heros to choose from. It is free. Unlike playing Chess, dota has many options and strategys. Dota is not a mmorpg. which means those people that don't like to pay monthly fees and grind on random monsters will find dota a good alternative. Dota is not 1v1, it is 1v1 to 5v5. usually 5v5.

I play dota because, to be good in dota, it takes practice and hardwork. it requires a lot mathematical calculations before game and good reaction time/game sense during games. Where as mmorpg. espcially those Chinese ones. you can spend few gram and the gm will give you a level 200 account or something is for kids.

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Is dota popular in the US?

yes dota is the most popular game worlwide...i think 1 billion ppl at least play this game ...

What language is the song dota in?

The song "DotA" by Basshunter is in English. It uses English lyrics to describe the popular video game Defense of the Ancients (DotA).

When was DOTA all-stars released?

The most popular Version of Defense of the Ancients call DotA Allstars was develeoped by several authors and released in 2005 by the anonymous developer "IceFrog"

What is the oldest version of dota?

Ah, well my friend, the oldest version of Dota is the original Defense of the Ancients (DotA) mod for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. It was created by a talented modder named Eul back in 2003. This mod laid the foundation for the popular Dota 2 game we know today, filled with happy little heroes and exciting battles.

Is dota popular too in the United States of America or is it popular only in Asia?

Defence of the Ancients is popular worldwide due to its replayability and complex well structured gameplay.

How do you change old dota items to new dota items?

the change of new dota item is download dota 2 and then copy paste the map of dota 2 to dota warcraft III and see is change try it :))

Where can one access a free DOTA map?

There are a number of places where someone can access a free DotA map. Some website examples include Get DotA, DotA-Utilities, Softpedia and DotA Source.

How can you pay dota all-stars online?

You can play DotA on if you paid for your version of Frozen Throne. Illegal copies of Frozen Throne can make their way to Garena, an independent program that allows players to play a multitude of games, including Frozen Throne, and DotA. Garena is particularly popular in South East Asia.

What are the good and bad effects of regionalization?

The Answer is Regonalization is the dota weak dota na lng weak region 1 weak dota weakweakweakweakBOSS BALITA DOTA WEAK!

What language is the song Dota sung in?

The song "Dota" by Basshunter is sung in English.

Who created dota?

Steve Feak (AKA Guinsoo),then Eul improved dota,then after.. icefrog is now developing dota

Is minecraft the most popular game in the world?

no, dota 2 has 23 million people playing, with minecraft at 10 million