Change of Heart is just too great. Imagine you can you CoH on opponent's monster and you can use them for tribute, ritual, fusion, synchro or even XYZ...
Monster Reborn isn't banned. It is a limited card (meaning only one may be in your deck). It was banned for about a year or two but it has recently been limited.
No. But if there is, it is probably already banned.
It is currently banned in Advanced Format, and restricted to 1 in Traditional Format.
It is limited(you can use 1) but not totally banned.
Forbidden/Limited Card List - March 2009 too bad you cant know your answer . :D Ignore the previous answer. It's total bull crap. Raigeki was banned because 1 single spell card is enough to wipe out the entire monster card on your opponent's field which is overpowered.
Yes it is forbidden in the addvanced format but is only limited to one in the traditional format!
Change of Heart is banned because you basically take control of one of your opponents monsters without a cost. Plus, you are able to do whatever you want to do with the monster. It is Brain Control (which is also Banned) without a cost and a much stronger version of Mind Control (which is Limited).
No it is not
No, it is not.
The "old" Obelisk the Tormentor is not a legal Yu-Gi-Oh! card, so it is technically not banned. However the card does state on the bottom, "This card cannot be used in a Duel", which pretty much means you are not allowed to use it.
Monster Reborn isn't banned. It is a limited card (meaning only one may be in your deck). It was banned for about a year or two but it has recently been limited.
No. But if there is, it is probably already banned.
Drawing 2 cards for nothing without a cost.
You cant.
No, the card "Class Change"is not a real card in the OCG or TCG.
There is an infinite loop that uses Premature Burial and Brionac - Dragon of the Ice Barrier. To stop people abusing the loop, Premature Burial was banned.
Ever-Changing Yu-Gi-Oh CardsThe reason it changes from limited to forbidden and back is at the discretion of the people who make the banned lists. Depending on how they see whether a card should be banned is entirely up to them. Also if a new card comes out that when combined with an already existing limited card causes games to end really quickly then the limited card will become forbidden and then when the sort of deck that the combo was used it dies out then the card that became banned will become limited again. (and in some cases the cycle will repeat itself).Tournaments are the reason. If there is a combo that is too good, then they will either limit the cards in it, or forbid one or more completely. But, if they do forbid a card, they often times take other cards off the forbidden list. Such as Monster Reborn being banned, and Call of the Haunted being removed from the banned list and only limited.