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because arceus is the god Pokemonalso because it was the first Pokemon to ever exist, and it also created the Pokemon worldno it wasnt, first was mewtwo this kid knows nothing about Pokemon, i played it for 3 years my 17 year old sister even told me it!!!! and the episode says dialga made the world and palkia made universe AND DARKRI MADE DARK. TRUST ME!!!!!!

Arceus is the strongest because when u give it a plate its element changes depending on the plate and it can learn the best moves and dialga did not make the world it controls time and palkia controls space ang said in the national dex that arceus made the world with its thousand hands

Arceus is the strongest Pokémon because, as it says in the Pokédex, it is the Alpha Pokémon. According to Pokémon lore, Arceus did create the universe, whilst Palkia created space and Dialga dominated time. If you want to know more about Pokémon lore, I suggest you visit a website like However, in battle Arceus is strong (though not the strongest - it depends on your own strategy, how you level it up and what moves you teach it) because of its ability. By giving it different plates, you can change its type and therefore change its strengths and weaknesses. This is very effective when battling the Elite Four as each of the Elites has their own favoured type, and by changing the plate Arceus hold, you can change its immunities.

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