The pets are only visual Moving illusion in aqworlds,it wont attack because they are only sign that your a member
The non mem pets:Dark Wolf Parrot
go see artix
Pet Party can be found on a variety of websites. If you go to Google and type in "Pet Party" it will give you a list of sites with Pet Party on it. See the related links.
you dont see her
You just simply wait until you see underneath your pet Promotebut you have 2 wait until your pet has the correct qualafacations needed :)
go on the adventure quest worlds wed sit and scroll down a you will see it
Stargate Worlds will never be released so i dont really see it as a problem.
near the river can you not see it
There have been multiple pet of the month but here is a way to see it all: Log on to your webkinz accont. If you dont have one here is a username and password: Ttyllbrblol username: baileyhottie Then go to kinzsongs and then you can see all of the pet of the months
By hoping that a member has the pet Chuckles skull. If you see one, click the ! mark, and carry out the instruc. like any other quest.
You must locate it right. when you see it DONT attack, just throw a masterball. If u dont have, try to hurt it, and when you see it again throw it another pokeball...
i dont see why not as poodles are hypoallergenic dogs but i would check it on google just incase
i really dont know alot of answers but, a reward is one. Hair color Age collar? Number to call if found Area pet disapeared from reward info if any picture of pet
pet gerbil! pet gerbil or a pet mouse, go to the related link to see what pet is for you!
Yes; if you go to a pet store.
You dont actually get pets but here are some stepes 1 go to warobe 2 go to more 3 click pets and pick which one you want 4 when you get that pet you can only see it when people add you
Because they dont understand that there is another cat that mimics their movements and they are curious that they can see it but not hear it or smell it
See my answer in How do you get to other worlds in wizard 101? See my answer in How do you get to other worlds in wizard 101?