So you got BC, and bought a body on Roblox. If you no longer have bc, but own a body, then you can wear it. It does not matter, so long as you have the item.
It is never lifted, What ever you did was so bad to get IP banned.
Currently, ROBLOX is not being majorly hacked. However, there was a clan called 1x1x1x1 that hacked roblox a long time ago. People say they may be coming back, but also I have been hacked by them. So, really the only hacks on ROBLOX are the little glitches that most kids do using cheat engines. Hope this helps, UNDEROATHA7X on ROBLOX
Hi it me again i think Roblox is better has its a friendly fun game :3 but for this game "Fortnite" It has killing in the game itself so i don't think it would be a good game for everyone
Loopkill was a hack on ROBLOX in 2009, ROBLOX managed to patch the cheat so its no longer possible.
It shouldnt take long atall maybe maximum 2 hours if you have to alter pipework upstream of the isolating valve
That depends entirely on what type of upgrade you are performing and your proficiency in doing so. Upgrading the amount of RAM in a system can be done in less than two minutes by a skilled technician. Upgrading the video card will probably take five to ten minutes. A motherboard upgrade will probably necessitate reinstalling the operating system, and require over an hour to perform.
I, nathan3227, have been playing Roblox since the beginning of 2008, and I still play like every night, so look me up.
this is rourke boulton telling the truth oh right add me on roblox to. so were was i oh yer there so popular because roblox is the Lego leader so he wont go on it and telamon and mericats plus davan100 is looking after roblox coz roblox leader wont be on it that much
No, there is no upgrade for it.
No. David Baszucki and Erik Cassel (1967-2013) are the creators of ROBLOX. David's Account: david.baszucki Erik's Account: erik.cassel
no its not possible. its a mach and a acrobike in one so there is no need for upgrade no its not possible. its a mach and a acrobike in one so there is no need for upgrade
Are you an idiot it is so easy just go to catalog skateboard contest items and clikc it then take it it's free.
Sorry to say you are banned for as long as the creator wants you to be banned so you need to ask him/her.
Turn On cheat engine click Roblox and play a game and have so so mutch fun and find on your page.
I dont know and I dont care so Blah noob Robloxians. My roblox user is ROBLOX.
She is another roblox person. And is also in the top 10 people on Roblox like Thunderclan147. She is so epic.