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the reason is that some kind of DNS is not on or working (I found that out by my self).

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Q: Why does it keep saying not responding on roblox games?
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It is impossible to do that. Many of the moderators keep a close eye on this topic and games which are published, accounts will get banned and also the game will be disputed

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If you keep on practicing everyday on roblox, then there is a chance you will be improve and be a pro

Why won't Roblox let me play ALL the games?

Maybe you should check if the game is private and only available to the makers friends. Or maybe its Caz you might have a bug. Answer 2:ITZ NOT PRIVATE YOU ######### OK so I did dose dash things but anyway its not private Caz I go on it all the time and I only followed a link! It also might keep saying " an error has occurred when starting ROBLOX " happened to me! still not out of it. . .

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You can get banned for breaking any Roblox rule. The type of ban depends on how important the rule is or what you have done to break a rule. If you say a bad word, and it is the first time, you will get a warning, but if you keep saying bad words, you will get a permanent ban. If you are a Builders Club member, and you are banned, there are no refunds.

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Anniversary: Hey Honey, I love you.... a lot.... you Breaking-up with him: I'm sorry, but this isn't working out, we can still be friends. you responding to him breaking up with you and saying you can still be friends: That's like saying "The dog's dead, but we can keep it." First kiss: That was..... lovely..... I gotta go....

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Yes, when your bc runs out, you keep your group.

Does roblox keep on billing your credit card when your bc expires?

No, Roblox stop billing your credit card when your bc expires