Try checking all of your firewall settings, experimenting with exceptions, etc...
You can try using a different browser when on their web client
Best of luck
press f5 to refesh page
It installs as administrator by default but if it doesn't then do so. The error means something is blocking you from connecting to the servers, as they're not shut down most of the time. In my case, it was the application Peerblock, but make sure to unblock it on your firewall or proxy and look at your anonymity applications.
this may be because you have bad connection the the host of the server or you have no internet connection if this is only happening with 1 server it is your connection or you have the ip wrong
Usually an error code 80028e02 means it has trouble connecting to the internet. Try this, it might help you configure your playstation to your internet connection
Turn off the proxy server and check all the other connection settings!
this server is always up
press randoms thinks
Because EA are idiots.
pretty much microsoft is saying that youre a punce.
It doesn't have anything to do with your connection. It's typically the server that runs the Snapchat app, so it's coming from their end.
sit is taken down sorry dudes.
Check your internet connection, either that or your firewall will not let a connection through from Runescape's Servers.
Either the server is down or the connection between your iMac and the server has been interrupted. Assuming the server is up, ensure you can connect and then you should be able to login normally.
If you're encountering those annoying in game popup's saying "Sever Error." Simply exit out of Habbo, clear your cache, and then restart the computer. The Server Errors are faults on Sulake's side not yours, but you can reset your network that connects to Habbo.
you are not letting to load properly and it sometimes takes a while :D
Try disabling your proxy server. Most of the time, you don't NEED a proxy server.If you do need one, you may need to consult with your ISP, about the specific setting you need for your proxy server.
It's a message saying that your internet browser has found something malformed or illegal in what you searched.