It will say this when ever an error occurs. Usually it has to do with Roblox however some of them can be because of your computer.
That's the error message to say that a Bluetooth connection attempt has failed.
The rumble pak is an accessory that fits into the slot-2/GBA slot of a regular DS or DS lite. Some DS games will recognise it and it makes the DS vibrate, say when you get hit by something in a game.
that means you have something in the gba slot but its for the ds games and you cant play it by itself. for example if you get guitar hero for the ds and put the guitar controls in the gba slot it will say ds option pak inserted
open your desmume go to emulation then go to cheats and go to list. then you will find something called action on that ,type your code ,say add and you will find your code on save and then try your code.hope I helped
Well, i dont reli know to because its all happing to me to :( does it say error ??? and thne you click yes and it still loads?? i recomend desmume. it's the best one they have beware if you have trend micro security, as it will say it is a fraud page.
You can say "error grande", or "equivocación grande".
It starts whatever is in the Slot 2 (Gameboy Advance Slot) on the DS. If there was say, a Gameboy Advance game in Slot 2 then it just plays the game (Just like "Start GBA Game" in the normal DS menu does) but it can have a custom border around the screen, which can be edited in the /system folder on your MicroSD/TF card (it's called gbaframe.bmp). It can also load some DS Flash Carts. Just remember that Roms are illegal!
Uhm, since slot machines are a much more recent invention, no, slot machines are not in the Bible.
The English word 'slot' is said in African Abaluhya (Luhya) language as "inafasi".
Oh honey, when you see cases that say "Mixed" on them, you better separate those bad boys out like you're organizing a messy sock drawer. Take the time to sort through and organize them properly before checking them in. Don't be lazy now, nobody likes a mixed-up mess.
When checking in a load, what must be done with cases that say "Mixed" on them
Its slot 9 and size 15 fuse.or for slot should i say 2nd row down 3rd to the right!
It will say this when ever an error occurs. Usually it has to do with Roblox however some of them can be because of your computer.
When checking in a load, what must be done with cases that say "Mixed" on them