cascoon knows harden if you catch it, however if you raise a wurple it will know tackle. the reason however is because it is like a metapod.
It evolves into Silcoon or Cascoon at lv.7 like Caterpie and Weedle. It's best to catch a Wurmple rather than a Silcoon or Cascoon because they only have harden. Then at level ten, if you have a Silcoon it will evolve into Beautifly, if you have a Cascoon you'll get a Dustox.Wurmple evolves at level 7 into a silcoon or cascoon.7 (What it evolves into is a random value chosen after you catch the wurmple.)Level 7 randomly it will evolve to cascoon or silcoon you never know!well accually if it's a girl it evolves into beautifly. if boy it evolves into dustox. that's what i believe but i could be wrong.
There is a 50/50 chance that a Wurmple will evolve into a Cascoon instead of a Sillcoon. There is no further way to know.
There is a 50/50 chance that a Wurmple will evolve into a Cascoon instead of a Sillcoon. There is no further way to know. It is not chosen by gender.
Cascoon evolves into Dustox.
in pokemon diamond a cascoon evolves at lvl 27
It evolves into Silcoon or Cascoon at lv.7 like Caterpie and Weedle. It's best to catch a Wurmple rather than a Silcoon or Cascoon because they only have harden. Then at level ten, if you have a Silcoon it will evolve into Beautifly, if you have a Cascoon you'll get a Dustox.Wurmple evolves at level 7 into a silcoon or cascoon.7 (What it evolves into is a random value chosen after you catch the wurmple.)Level 7 randomly it will evolve to cascoon or silcoon you never know!well accually if it's a girl it evolves into beautifly. if boy it evolves into dustox. that's what i believe but i could be wrong.
In Generation lll games (Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby), Cascoon can only be found in the Petalburg Woods.
There is a 50/50 chance that a Wurmple will evolve into a Cascoon instead of a Sillcoon. There is no further way to know.
There is a 50/50 chance that a Wurmple will evolve into a Cascoon instead of a Sillcoon. There is no further way to know. It is not chosen by gender.
Cascoon evolves into Dustox.
You get cascoon when you press the 'B' button on your DS system when your wurmple is about to evolve. The next time it evolves it will be a cascoon. You can not catch cascoon you must evolve it.
Horsea and Cascoon are extremely rare, but Horsea can be found on Misty's map, Drake's map, Wallace's map, and the Underwater map. But you can only get it like 1/100 chance, maybe even less. Cascoon, you have to get a Wurmple and hope with all your strength that it will be a Cascoon. Usually it is a Silcoon, but you can still get it hopefully. *Edit* Ermm... Horsea and Cascoon are really common and its not a 1% Chance -New009
Cascoon is a Bug type pokemon.
Wurmple evolves into either Cascoon or Silcoon at random. Then Cascoon and Silcoon evolve into Dustox and Beautifly respectively.
You can find Cascoon in the forests of Generation 3 and 4 games. Cascoon wasn't available before Generation 3.
ok here are some stuff you will need. First off... cascoon CAN NOT LEARN TM AND HM !!! Second... the only move cascoon may learn by leveling up is HARDEN (look below) So I STRONGLY SUGGEST that you catch a wurmple and - EVOLVE - it into cascoon IF YOU DO SO, IT WILL HAVE THESE MOVES FROM LEVELING UP ===================================================== Tackle- attack: 35 accuracy: 95 PP 35 String shot- attack--- accuracy 95 PP40 (at lvl 5)Poison sting- atack---15 accuracy 100 PP35 (has a 30% chance to poison) Moves learned BY TM AND HM ======================== None ! BTW here is the evolution set Wurmple -> lvl 7 -> Cascoon/Silcoon -> lvl 10 -> Dustox/Beautifly For more info on OTHER pokemon, contact me at and put : "WIKIANSWERS POKEMON" as your subject so that i dont mark u as junk ;)
in pokemon diamond a cascoon evolves at lvl 27