it has the pigment chlorophyll in it so it can preform photosnthisis
you can't get mamoswine in Pokemon leaf green because it doesn't exist in leaf green
You can't catch Igglybuff in Leaf Green. You can only see it.
Black Leaf on Green Background was created in 1952.
She does its either Leaf or Green.
look in the safari park or trade with some one from Pokemon red or leaf green
Raw spinach is a green, like turnip greens or romaine lettuce. It has a broad but elongated leaf shape. Cooked spinach is dark green, dense and stringy, with long grassy strands. It is tasty both ways, although it is an acquired taste. When cooked, spinach is often salted (like cauliflower) because of its otherwise subtle flavor.
Carrots are orange not red and they are this color because they do not absorb the color red from the light. Spinach is green due to chlorophyll pigment present in the chloroplast of the leaf tissue.
One spinach leaf is about 10 grams.
A piece of spinach is a leaf.
No parakeets CAN NOT eat spinach !!
The spinach was as green as a forest
A chloroplast is a jelly
All leaf products are classed as vegetables.
Spinach is a plant. So they do have chloroplasts
No, they grow above the ground like any plant. Just the roots. The green part you eat grows above the ground, like a big weed... if you're lucky and the slugs don't get it first.