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It was a side effect of Dr Eggman's machine, when Eggman drained the Chaos Emeralds power while Sonic was in his Super form and released Dark Gaia it had an effect on him and he transformed into the werehog, this is only in Sonic Unleashed though as since it was caused by Dark Gaia being released and the Chaos Emeralds losing their power it would be assumed when they were both restored, so did Sonic's original form.

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Q: Why does Sonic turn into a werehog?
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Why does sonic turn into a werehog without the chaos emeralds?

because of eggman the emeralds power is now sonic turn in to a werehog thing and eggman launch sonic in to space to earth.if the sun comes werehog sonic turns to normal but if the moon comes then he turn in the werehog

Can Sonic the werehog go super?

No, he can't. Sonic can only turn super when he is a hedgehog, not a werehog!

How does Sonic turn into a werehog?

Sonic changes into a werehog when it's night and the Full moon is out like a Werewolf.

What made sonic turn into the werehog?

Probably because eggman used the chaos emeralds to make Sonic turn into a pedo.

What is Sonic the Werehog in Sonic Unleashed for the Wii?

Sonic will transform into a werehog during the night in sonic unleashed.

Does Shadow turn into a werehog in Sonic Unleashed?

No, in fact Shadow is not even in Unleased

How do you dash with werehog Sonic on Sonic unleashed?

You CAN'T. The Werehog can do nothing the good ol' Hedgehog can do.

Who is were Sonic?

Were Sonic or most commonly known as the werehog is a character from the game Sonic Unleashed.Sonic becomes the werehog by being hit by Eggmans ray.He only turns into the werehog at night.

Does Sonic ever turn into a werehog in the Sonic X series?

No because Sonic X is a discontinued series due to poor reception in Japan.

Is There An online game That has Sonic The Werehog?

I think not,I haven't seen none with sonic the werehog.

What is Sonic Unleased about?

sonic unleased is about sonic who turns to werehog.

Who is Meme the werehog?

Meme the Werehog is the same as Sonic the werehog just turn his fur black, turn his eyes brown, curl the quills, give him a long, thick, bushy powerful tail, put on jeans, and put scary looking marking around his eyes.