He wears a hat because the creator ran out of room and it was very hard to animate in those days.
During the time Shigeru Miyamoto was making Mario for the arcade game, Miyamoto, at the time, aparrantly couldn't draw hair very well and as a result gave Mario a hat because it was easier to draw.
a red T-shirt under overalls, a red hat, brown shoes, and white gloves
Fire Mario's hat is white, with a red 'M'.
Luigi is not in Super Mario 64. But he would likely just be Mario with a green shirt, green hat, and an L on his hat.
Dude.....get the hat back!
in my guide it said if you get 99 lives, Mario takes his hat off. lose your 99 lives and he puts it back on.
Your pet can wear it and go around town wearing the hat. Your pet can wear it and go around town wearing the hat.
i will wear the hat!
a red T-shirt under overalls, a red hat, brown shoes, and white gloves
You can wear any hat.
Mario hat!!!!!
Fire Mario's hat is white, with a red 'M'.
Mario can lose his hat from the bird in Shifting Sand Land and can lose his hat from the wind blasting from the snowman at Snowman Land.
A hat.
it all depends on the hat if it is a ballcap wear a ponytail if its a fancy hat wear your hair down straighten curly or natrully its up to you really
You do not have to wear a hat when you visit Australia. Some people choose to wear a hat based on the type of climate Australia is.
what kind of hat did laurel and hardy wear?
To wear a tour hat you open your profile and click the hat in your inventory. To lead a tour you can only be wearing your hat.