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bcause he is the hero !

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Q: Why does Mario always have to save the princess?
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Why Mario wants save princess?

Princess Peach

What is the plot of Super Mario Brothers movie?

Mario is trying to save the princess

What is the diffucult for Mario to save the princess?

bowser is a jack****

Does princess peach like Mario?

yes peach likes mario because mario always saves her

What job did Mario do in the video game Super Mario Brothers?

he was a plumber he had to save the princess

Are Mario and luigi superheroes?

yes,as they save princess peach

Is marios only goal to save princess peach?

no! in Mario 64 he had to save luigi.

Why does Mario save peach?

Mario saves Princess Peach because he doesen't think its nice.

Who is peach on Mario best friend?

I think is on ssbb or ssbm but Peach love Mario because Mario save princess peach and Peach and Mario friends

How do you save the princess in super Mario world 8-4?

just play :D

Does Mario hate bowser?

Mario doesn't hate Bowser it's just he wants to defeat Bowser to save princess peach

Will Luigi ever save someone?

yes, Princess Daisy in super Mario brothers wii