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This is to deter hackers that use unlicensed cheat code engines (such as Action Replay and Ocarina) to gain unlimited lives from cheating. It is also a cool Easter Egg if you do manage to gain 99 lives legally.

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Q: Why does Mario's hat come of after you get 99 lives?
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How do you get Marios hat back on if you get 99 lives in the new super Mario bros?

Lose as many lives as it takes to get your hat back. It won't take more than 5 lives, I think.

How do you take marios hat off Wii?

You need to go to your pockets and then click on the picture of your person on the top middle of the screen and then there will be a suggestion saying remove headgear and then you click on that.

How do you get Mario without a hat on wii?

in new super Mario bros. wii get 99 lives and when u get to the map (must still have 99 lives) Mario's hat will be off.

Why does Mario loose his hat in new super Mario bros wii?

in my guide it said if you get 99 lives, Mario takes his hat off. lose your 99 lives and he puts it back on.

How do you get your hat off in new Super Mario Brothers Wii?

You have to get 99 lives

Why does Mario take off his hat when he gets to 99 lives on the Super Mario Brothers wii?

that's the way Nintendo made it, and i see it as a reward (even though i hate plaing with his hat off) of 99 lives

Can Mario lose his hat on ds in Super Mario Bros?

yes it happens when you have 99 lives

Why does your hat come off on new super Mario bros wii?

This is what is sometimes called an 'easter egg' which does not affect the game in any way but it's just interesting. Mario does away with his cap (not the propeller cap; he needs that!) when he gets 99 lives in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. 99 is the maximum number of lives you can get.

How do you get 99 lives in new Super Mario Bros ds?

On DS do 1-1 and when you come to the big mushroom let it go right to the edge then get it. Then you can finish it big which means you get 5 lives did this to get 99 lives and it worked).

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How do you get infinite power ups in new super Mario bros wii?

On level 1-1, when you see the big mushroom, let it go left until it is just about to go off the cliff. then grab it and go all the way to the end of the level. if you do it right, you will get 5 lives. do that repeditly and eventually you will reach 99 lives. P.S mario's hat will be gone whenever you still have 99 lives.

How many canadians have lost their lives in auto accidents this year?

99 99