Not a Skirt, it's more like an old style Kilt tunic, if you know anything about Medieval style dress, it's not that much of a deal, skirt-like garments were always worn by Men right up till the industrial revolution, it became cumbersome then, so as Men were usually the workers, they started wearing trouser type garments and have just never picked up on wearing Kilt-like Garments much again since.
Where as Women did the same after World War II, they started wearing trousers as it became more necessary, the difference is though, Women still kept their Skirt like garments as a fashion, as Women still didn't do the front line as much as Men, hence over time, it just became more known for Women to wear skirts and Men to wear trousers as it became more common.
It was a social evolution change really, not a rule.
Some Men still wear other like wise garments in some cultures and parts of the world though, but it's just more rare these days, hence more unusual, easily recognised and as a result, quite distinctive.
It's quite similar to what happened with the Gender coloured codes as well, these days it's common to think of Boys as being Blue and Girls as favouring Pink, but before the War, it was the other way around, Pink is actually the masculine colour, as it's a shade of Red, where as Blue was feminine and was seen as 'dainty' and more girl like, the colours have since reversed, if it hadn't it would be double gender and cancel out.
You go to the cave by the sea wear you got the sword around when you get the flying chicken. You have to trade your shovel for it but you can trade back whenever you need your shovel again.
a mini, midi or maxi skirt.
Unfortunately you can't wear a girl's skirt as a boy toon anymore. Toontown has fixed the closet glitch back in 2010, so it no longer works, sorry. Hope this helped you.
* socks * skirt * sandals * shirt * sweatshirt * sports bra * spandex * socks * skirt * sandals * shirt * sweatshirt * sports bra * spandex
things you wear W: * wind breaker * wig * wrap-around dress or skirt * walking shoes * wet suit * western wear * wool coat * wide tie * wedding gown * wide brim hat * weight belt * wedge heels * waistcoat * a weave (hair piece)
No, you're confusing Princess Zelda with Link. Link is the one who wears the green hat and tunic, not Zelda.
link does not wear a dress or a skirt. He wears a tunic. and a tunic is very long shirt. his belt just separates the shirt so it looks like a skirt or a dress
You cant.
You start out with the one blue shirt but then get the link outfit. Those are the only two uniforms. If you beat the game though, you can wear the shirt you start with instead of the grean outfit.
Why would that matter? However, I imagine Link does.
"wear a skirt tomorrow".
go to this site maybe it will answer your question
Wear a colored tank top and wear the skirt high on your waist, almost to your bustline. Then belt it.
Sure. Why not? In Scotland and New Zealand men wear skirt-like lower garments.
It depends on the skirt and the dress code
you must save the zora boy. his dead mother will then give you a new piece of clothing to wear. it will allow you to breath underwater.
a skirt