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Sometimes it's because a person/room has a lot of kbs and then you start lagging so then you crash, and sometimes it's a glitch and sometimes it can be a product making you crash.

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Q: Why does IMVU crash?
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How do you do the new imvu crash code?

*use 92931849429818742759

What is the code to make people crash on imvu?

i wil pay 20k or 30k for the crash code to either crash a single person or another crash code my email is if your interested

Is imvu wrong to play?

Yes, it is. You can meet people from around the world, make friends, and create you own style. There can be glitches and it is possible that it can crash. My friend had IMVu and she had to uninstall it because it froze. Otherwise, this is a brilliant game and I recommend it.

What was imvu name before it was called imvu?

It was always imvu

Is imvu for over3?

imvu is for 18+

How banned from imvu?

Break the IMVU TOS and IMVU staff will ban you.

Is it okay to download IMVU?

Yes but No It Makes Most Ur Programes Crash And Can Sometimes Give yOU pOPuPS bUT ive downloaded it and its ok i guess :D Thanks Hope I hELPED

How do you be a gangster on imvu?

You can not be a gangster on imvu, Imvu has rules just like any other site. no bad words, no sex, no drama, all that or you will be banned from imvu i myself have a imvu account.

Can I turn off my computer while IMVU is uninstalling?

No, if you do it will either half uninstall, cancel the installation or have the icon on the PC but it will just crash if you try to open it. So I wouldn't take the risk if I were you.

How do you download IMVU or Oz World on a MacBook?

Actually, at the moment you are not allowed to.. hopefully soon they will release the program for macs. maybe it will work or crash im qoinq to try it qood luck!!

Where do you enter cheats for imvu?

There are no cheats for IMVU.

Is imvu a dating website?

To IMVU is a dating website and I can not join it and... In my opinion, that is why IMVU is a dating website