Gamzee's eyes are shown to be dark orange rather than the golden color troll eyes normally are. This can be taken as a measurement of how crazy he is.
Troll ages are gauged in solar sweeps rather than years, so his birthday cannot be properly translated and/or celebrated.
dhfsi141 is the code for face paint on cp
The id for the blue face paint is 134
Unless Club Penguin releases the blue face paint again, you can't get it. That is an old item.
Face paint has been given away at two Sports Parties in Club Penguin. I can't recall when, but I think that if you keep waiting, they will come back again. They are not available right now, regrettably.
Troll ages are gauged in solar sweeps rather than years, so his birthday cannot be properly translated and/or celebrated.
Here's a quote from Gamzee Makara: "You see man? I am straight up telling you, miracles. It's like, alright. Computers right? What the f***? Miracles is what."
Sober Gamzee got those scratches on his face after being involved in a fight with Aradia Megido, a result of her seeking revenge for the death of her ancestor, Equius Zahhak. Gamzee's softened state made him vulnerable and unable to defend himself effectively, leading to him receiving the scratches on his face during the encounter.
No. Gamzee is the only character in homestuck (except for possibly Clover) who hasn't died at all in any alternate reality. There were over 100,000 doomed timelines in the troll session and Gamzee did not die once. It is not given any reason other than that he is a clown and he is the most important character in homestuck (or one of them) newevidence says he is dead in the alpha time line HoNk hOnK :0)
The Mirthful Messiahs are the being that Gamzee and Kurloz Makara along the other subjuggulators (a fictional alien religion) in the popular internet webcomic, Homestuck, By Andrew Hussie. It is later revealed that the Mirthful Messiahs are Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope, of the band Insane Clown Posse. Angered, Gamzee goes on to believe that he himself is both of the messiahs.
Makara Naotaka was born in 1536.
Makara Naotaka died in 1570.
Capricorn is the English name for makara rasi.
face paint
Mike Makara was born on December 5, 1977, in Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
you go to accessory and then on the bottom it says items and face paint. You click face paint.
Yes, White Face Paint...