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Because it's just plain awesome! there's lots of cool games for it like Call of Duty, Halo, Gears of war, Grand theft auto, Mass effect, Left 4 dead. What's not to like about the xbox? Sure you have to pay for online, but other than that the xbox is awesome.

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Its great for people who dont play Xbox that much. However, a 4 gig wont hold much data so you wont be able to download much addons and demos.

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Because people like cookies so f'in much

Why do people like halo so much?

people like halo so much because now that you can get it on xbox360 and go online and vs other people.

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As the days go by. So if your gonna play xbox, then play it as much as you can so you get your money's worth.

How come Xbox LIVE has to cost so much?

The reason is because Microsoft wants to make as much money as possible. People still buy it anyways, so why not charge if people are willing to pay for it. Its kinda the same as WoW.

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They like him so much because he looks cute to some people and he is the brother of...The Jonas Brothers!!!

When did they invent the xbox 360?

So people can have fun.

Sports games are better on xbox 360 or ps3?

I would go for Xbox because the button layout and more people have mics so you could talk to your team if your playing online. I have a xbox and i find gaming sport games on there much easier